
With clear plastic, netting and fraying, students will discover stunning results as they stuff, layer, melt and sew their samples. Truly a workshop to discover the value of how transparency can support a fibre art masterpieces.

Workshop Options

One Day Workshop

Students will explore transparent materials such as netting, sheers, and plastic page sleeves, as they create brilliant samples. Transparency can be as subtle as fraying loosely woven fabric to stuffing page protectors with yarns.

Two Day Workshop

In day two of the workshop students will have the opportunity to implement some of the transparency techniques as they create their own art piece. Students may want to layer with melted shaved crayons, found objects, etc., in a pleasing design melted in between cling free wrap, or stuff the page protector with yarns, or create a scene with just sheers, or… your imagination is your limit – simply a day of creating with no rules!


All levels welcome (dropping your feed dogs an asset)